Resolve deduplication impact on Terraform resource references
Fix external reference behavior in Terraform configuration files for entities and groups renamed during identity deduplication.
- You are running Vault 1.19 or later.
- You have deduplication renaming targets in your system logs.
- You have admin permission on the relevant Vault server or cluster.
How renaming affects external references
Renaming entities and groups can break references in Terraform (and other external services) when those reference refer directly to the entity or group by name. For example, assume you have a Terraform configuration file with named identity resources like the following:
terraform {
required_providers {
vault = {
source = "hashicorp/vault"
provider "vault" {}
resource "vault_identity_entity" "BOB" {
name = "BOB"
policies = ["TEST"]
resource "vault_identity_entity" "bob" {
name = "bob"
policies = ["test"]
By default, Vault ignore case when matching identities, treats BOB
and bob
as the same name, and rejects the second resource as a duplicate. However, if
your Vault cluster is running in a mode that allows both resource names due to
historical issues, the resources might exist as separate entities.
If Vault identifies bob
and BOB
as duplicates during deduplication, it
renames one of the identities <name>-<uuid>
. After deduplication, Terraform
tries to reapply the previous name for the related resource, but the in-place
update fails because the existing resource now violates the case-insensitive
name constraint on the Vault side.
For example:
➜ tf_dupe_testing terraform apply
vault_identity_entity.bob: Refreshing state... [id=e8c5e633-fe37-5a49-4a29-32e2643d03bd]
vault_identity_entity.BOB: Refreshing state... [id=2577bc3f-67ab-dab7-93dc-e86f78194ff0]
Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource
actions are indicated with the following symbols:
~ update in-place
Terraform will perform the following actions:
# vault_identity_entity.bob will be updated in-place
~ resource "vault_identity_entity" "bob" {
+ external_policies = false
id = "e8c5e633-fe37-5a49-4a29-32e2643d03bd"
~ name = "bob-e8c5e633-fe37-5a49-4a29-32e2643d03bd" -> "bob"
# (3 unchanged attributes hidden)
vault_identity_entity.bob: Modifying... [id=e8c5e633-fe37-5a49-4a29-32e2643d03bd]
│ Error: error updating IdentityEntity "e8c5e633-fe37-5a49-4a29-32e2643d03bd": Error making API request.
│ Code: 400. Errors:
│ * entity name is already in use
│ with vault_identity_entity.bob,
│ on line 17, in resource "vault_identity_entity" "bob":
│ 17: resource "vault_identity_entity" "bob" {
The easiest way to deal with renamed entities and groups is to manually update the the associated resource in your Terraform configuration with the updated name before forcing deduplication.
Use the same process to identify and update target names for other external systems that reference an entity or group by name.
For example, if your system logs include lines like the following:
2025-01-28T13:15:13.641-0800 [WARN] identity: entity "bob" with namespace ID "admin" duplicates 1 others: id=8ad26e0c-8cf6-5b67-7c77-6571fa374881 force_deduplication="would not rename"
2025-01-28T13:15:13.641-0800 [WARN] identity: entity "BOB" with namespace ID "admin" duplicates 1 others: id=9fe86ea0-f80c-1199-5ad1-1d01ab70237f force_deduplication="would rename to BOB-9fe86ea0-f80c-1199-5ad1-1d01ab70237f"
You would update any resources associated with BOB
in your Terraform
configuration files. For example:
terraform {
required_providers {
vault = {
source = "hashicorp/vault"
provider "vault" {}
resource "vault_identity_entity" "BOB-9fe86ea0-f80c-1199-5ad1-1d01ab70237f" {
name = "BOB-9fe86ea0-f80c-1199-5ad1-1d01ab70237f"
policies = ["TEST"]
resource "vault_identity_entity" "bob" {
name = "bob"
policies = ["test"]